Rest In Peace, Kevin Samuels

The Black Manosphere Mourns the Loss of Kevin Samuels

Six years ago Image Consultant Kevin Samuels started his youtube channel to help men look good, smell good, and feel confident in themselves to conquer the world. He was the guy promoting various colognes, told men to stop simping, and for them to get off their asses and get a job. Work 60 hours a week if you want to be in the upper 1% of men who are getting what they want out of life, and he wasn’t afraid to say it.

I’m not going to pretend like I know Kevin Samuels, but I will talk about what he has said out of his own mouth. He was an only child raised by a single mother. Based on pics of him on social media, he stood out in high school. He was married and divorced, twice, was a stepfather once, and is a father to one daughter. Also; as he has said in various videos on his youtube channel, he survived cancer. He also spoke about knowing self-defense, so it always made me laugh when people would try to brand him a sissy, but he was a black belt. Crazy world we live in.

Kevin Samuels talked about men for 3 years, giving them advice on becoming better men, and the one time he did a show with women, it blew up in the “I’m A PhD!” Podcast | Men Are The Prize video.

It was polarizing. Polarizing because there were men and women who agreed, and there were women and men who disagreed. How dare he tell women the truth, being a fraternity brother, in a 3 piece suit, so they couldn’t argue that he was dusty, with messed up teeth and a crooked hairline. He looked very much like the men they wanted, telling them that what they wanted they either had to work to get, be more realistic about their options, or buy a dog & die alone.

A lot of women were mad at what he said, but, he was using talking points used by men he advocated for. men that looked like the men women wanted, and the men they were using as backup plans in case they couldn’t land that man. They really ought to be mad at themselves because they’re the reason they’ve gotten so out of hand. They took their eyes off the prize for symbolism.


On May 4th, 2022 I found out the news that Kevin Had passed away. I didn’t know him, I didn’t always agree with his content but I was happy for his success and him broadening his influence. He was an influencer, he showed men how it is done & as long as his content stays up, men can learn from him. He’s a man you can admire. May he Rest in Peace.

In this video, I talk about things I liked about his show
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